Monday, December 19, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Week 16 Dec. 12-16 and 19-20
**Reading CBA on Tuesday, December 13
**Math CBA on Wednesday, December 14
**PTA Christmas Choir on Tuesday, December 13, at 7:00p.m in cafeteria
**Chapter book for christmas Party due this Friday, December 16. Please wrap the book and put who is from.
**Christmas Party December 20, will begin at 11:00-12:30. Parents are welcome. We will be sending the kids to p.e. at 12:30. School will release at 1:25. You are welcome to sign your child out anytime during the party, if you choose to, and it will not count as a partial day absence. Students may choose to get both the pizza and cafeteria lunch if they desire.
Learning for the week:
Reading - Fact and Opinion - discuss with your child facts vs. opinions with commercials, ads, e-mails, mail, etc.
Spelling - Review this week over long e (ee,ea), long i (igh,i,ie), words ending in k,ke, or ck, and double the consonant when adding er, ing, or ed.
locket alike silk pickle chuck sneeze speech cheap dream peace bigger slipping grinning shopped trapped nightlight flies spider behind cried
Writing/Grammar - Edit and publish persuasive letters
Math - Review and take CBA
Science - Continue study of mealworms and begin unit of milkweed bugs
Social Studies - Back in Time - What are the differences between ancient and modern times?
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Class Field Trip Pictures!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Week 15 December 5-9
Any late work or re-do work your student may have must be turned in by the end of this week as there is only 1 full week, after this one, left in this 3rd 6 weeks.
If you have not already returned your progress report please do so to your teacher.
PTA Christmas Choir performance coming up on Tuesday, December 13 at 7:00p.m.
Christmas party letters went home today. Please make sure you sign up and return your sheet as soon as possible. We are asking for $3 from each child and a wrapped chapter book for the book exchange.
Our learning this week:
Reading: We are focusing on digital media this week which includes e-mail, e-books, video games, interactive websites, and internet.
Spelling: Long i spelled ie, i, or igh
bright high nightlight fright lie cried tried files child kind pilot title
Writing: We will be writing persuasive letters (ex: letter to mom of why we should get that special toy for Christmas)
Grammar: Correct capitalization and punctuation of letters
Science: study of live organisms and mealworms continues
Social Studies: What caused the Civil war and the nation to grow
Friday, December 2, 2011
First of all, I am new to blogging so the pictures aren't in the order I would have liked! I hope you enjoy the pictures of some of our students having the time of their lives!
Mission accomplished! The field trip was a success! We went, had a great time and returned with only minor injuries, and just a few of those. Everyone LOVED the musical. The students were engaged throughout with all of the wonderful acting, singing, dancing and drumming. I was amazed with the talent displayed as well as the behavior of our awesome second graders. We were happy to get moved right to the front of the theater from our seats in the back. We would also like to express our appreciation for ALL of the chaperones who helped more than they know. Field trips would not be as fun or even possible without you! We enjoyed seeing your children having fun with you as well! They were all proud to show you off!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Christmas Party
Monday, November 28, 2011
Field Trip and Christmas party!
Mrs. Cooper's class is learning double digit subtraction with regrouping!
We worked so hard today with making numbers, regrouping and subtracting using base ten blocks. I am impressed how quickly many students are picking up this new skill!
Week of Nov. 28-Dec. 2
This Friday is our field trip to the theatre to see Mufarro's Beautiful Daughters. Parents who are attending plan to meet us in the front hall at 8:45 so we can load up on the buses.
This is the 3rd week in the 3rd 6 weeks. Progress Reports should be coming home either at the end of this week or beginning of next. Please keep a lookout for those and sign and return promptly.
Christmas Parties will be December 20 if you want to make arrangements to attend. Please be watching for information concerning the party.
We will be exchanging chapter books, not coloring books or small children's books, so please make arrangements to have one if you will be participating in Mrs. Wuest's class. Each student just needs one wrapped book.
Our learning this week:
Reading: We are studying media literacy. It can be broken down into 3 categories: media we listen to, media we view, and media we read. Students are to think about what type it is, who the message is from, who the intended audience is, what is the purpose of the media, and what things draw your attention.
Spelling: Inflectional endings that require doubling of the consonant before adding ing, ed, or er
planning bigger tipped dropping shopper trapped
stepped grinning slipping chopped swimmer hopper
Writing: We are editing and finalizing our procedural/sequential How-to's
Grammar: Adverbs, time words first, then, next, later, tomorrow, etc.
Math: Two-digit subtraction with regrouping
Science: uses of plants, minerals, and air; living and nonliving; and begin our study of insects with mealworms
Social Studies: How did the United States become its own country?
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Fun with Math
These students are hard at work and having fun!
Look how carefully they are counting the blocks to ensure success!
You can see the wheels in their heads turning as they are learning.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Week 13 Nov. 14-18 and 21-22
***Dollar to make a Difference is due by this Friday if you choose to participate.
***November 21 will be PTA night at 7p.m.
***Book orders in Mrs. Wuest class are also due by Nov. 21 if ordering
***Nov. 23-25 is Thanksgiving Break
***November 29 is the Galloway Health Fair from 6-7.
Our learning :
Spelling: Long e spelled ee or ea
week cheese queen sneeze speech bean dream peace sheep cheap read leaf
Reading: Expository text structures
**Procedural text: sequencing and telling how to do something
**Cause and Effect structure
**Comparison/Contrast structure
Writing: how to's or Procedural text.
***Please have your student bring a recipe by Wed. of this week
Grammar: Adverbs or time transition words
**first, second, next, then, after, finally
Math: Addition and Subtraction with two-digit numbers (regrouping may be necessary)
Science: Water in its states of matter (solid, liquid, gas)
Social Studies: Giving Thanks
Friday, November 11, 2011
Happy Veteran's Day!!!
Thank you for all you do.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Recipes Needed...
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Math Fact Competition
Monday, November 7, 2011
Week 12 beginning of 3rd 6 weeks
CBA's went well last week and we have looked at data and learned a lot about our children. We look forward to sharing the information with you in parent conferences the 14th-16th of Nov. Please be sure you have signed and returned conference letter schedules to your child's teacher:)
This week in learning:
Reading: We are beginning to focus in on Literary non-fiction. These are stories that are non-fiction but also contain certain elements like fiction such as characters, setting, and events.
Spelling: Words that end in the /k/ sound spelled k, ke, or ck
pack check pickle sock asking silk honk pork poke flake alike spoke
Math: We are beginning probability. Is something certain, less likely, more likely to happen
Science: We are studying the Water Cycle of our Earth
Social Studies: The New World and how the Native Americans felt about the explorers
Grammar: Pronouns
Writing: We are writing our own biographies over various people
As always thank you for your support
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Semana 11
Carta Semanal
Week 11 brings the end of the 2nd 6 weeks!!! Any late work, redo's, or missing work is due Wed to receive credit as grades are being finished up for report cards.
Esta es la semana 11 y el fin del Segundo periodo de seis semanas!! Trabajos y calificaciones deberan terminarse esta semana para imprimir boletas de calificaciones.
Conferencias: Este pendiente ya que he comenzado y muy pronto recibira un aviso para la suya si es que aun no ha hablado conmigo individualmente.
Wednesday will be a Reading CBA (Curriculum Based Assessment)
Thursday will be a Math CBA
Los alumnos tomaran dos examenes muy IMPORTANTES: CBA de lectura el miercoles y CBA de matematicas el jueves. Digales a sus hijos que lean con cuidado, piensen, analicen sus respuestan y hagan todo lo que la maestra les ha ensenado.
***PTA has been rescheduled from the 8th to the 21st of November***
***Health Fair will be at the end of this month on the 29th from 6-7. Please make arrangements now to attend***
La Feria de la Salud sera el 29 de Nov. 6 a 7 pm.
This week in our learning:
Reading: We are doing a study of settings ad plots in different fiction works by the same author
Lectura: Estudio de escenarios y argumentos en trabajos de ficcion por el mismo autor.
CBA es un examen de comprension. Los alumnos necesitan leer cada texto con atencion, comprenderlo, leer cada pregunta y sobre todo regresar al texto a buscar la respuesta o la evidencia/pista que le ayude a saber cual es la mejor respuesta. Tambien se le podria pedir que escribiera la respuesta a la pregunta. Hemos practicado en el salon y tambien enviare una practica para tarea para la casa el martes. Por lo tanto martes no tienen que hacer ortografia, ni el reporte de lectura.
Spelling: Review week
Spelling Focus: b/v patterns (2.23Av) Words: cantaba,Ãbamos,nadaba, ibas, activo, daba, iba, iban,jugaba, viva, pensaba, pensativo, motivo, |
Focus: long i vowel patterns (CVCe and CV) i_e/ _y/ _ie (2.23Biii) while, by, lie,my, like,five,try, price, thin, why,side |
Ortografia: revision
Writing: Finish up editing and publish personal narratives
Escritura: Terminar de editar y publicar narraciones personales
Grammar: Review verbs, nouns, and adjectives
Gramatica: revision: verbos, nombres, adjetivos
Math: Review for CBA on Thurs.
topics eligible for testing are addition and subtraction strategies, place value to 100's place, comparing and ordering numbers to 100's place, patterns, paired numbers charts, money, graphs, and time
Matematicas: Revision para CBA el jueves
Temas elegibles para evaluacion CBA son: suma, resta y sus estrategias, valor posicional (unidad, decena, centena) , comparar y ordenar numeros ><= de centenas, leer y escribir numeros con digitos y letras, patrones, pares de numeros, tablas, dinero, graficas de barras , pictografias, dinero y los relojes/hora. Resolucion de problemas usando UPSL, en fin todo lo que hemos visto y estudiado desde el principio del curso.
Science: Objects in the night sky
Ciencias: objetos en el cielo nocturno
Social Studies: Natural resources and how they meet our needs
Estudios sociales: Recursos naturales
2nd grade teachers
Week 11 Nov. 1-4
Wednesday will be a Reading CBA (Curriculum Based Assessment)
Thursday will be a Math CBA
***PTA has been rescheduled from the 8th to the 21st of November***
***Health Fair will be at the end of this month on the 29th from 6-7. Please make arrangements now to attend***
This week in our learning:
Reading: We are doing a study of settings ad plots in different fiction works by the same author
Spelling: Review week of hard/soft c/g, adding -s -es -ing when spelling doesn't change, c/k at the beginning of the word, and long a spelled ai/ay
This week's list:
celery giraffe guide cabin circle fixes finishes cracks plays melting corner kitchen city kingdom kangaroo bait waist spray today rainbow
Writing: Finish up editing and publish personal narratives
Grammar: Review verbs, nouns, and adjectives
Math: Review for CBA on Thurs.
topics eligible for testing are addition and subtraction strategies, place value to 100's place, comparing and ordering numbers to 100's place, patterns, paired numbers charts, money, graphs, and time
Science: Objects in the night sky
Social Studies: Natural resources and how they meet our needs
2nd grade teachers
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 24, 2011
***Special thanks to all the parents who attended the Parent Night on Oct. 18th for taking time out of your busy schedule to help us bridge the learning between home and school.
GRACIAS A TODOS LOS PADRES que asistieron a la junta del 18 de octubre.
***Progress reports will be coming home this week. Please look these over, sign, and return to your child's teacher. Any zero's or grades lower than a 70 need to be in by Friday of this week in order to receive credit.
Reportes de progreso de las primeras 3 semanas se enviaron el viernes. Favor de revisarlos firmarlos y enviarlos de regreso.
***If your child brings home any graded papers below a 70 they are allowed to redo them adn return them for a grade of 70, if returned in a timely manner. Check reading log and conduct report.
Si el estudiante saca menos de 70 el estudiante puede hacer el trabajo nuevamente y regresarlo al dia siguiente para subir su calificacion a 70. Asimismo es importante entregar todas last areas y actividades. Revisen el registro de lectura y tambien el reporte de conducta semanalmente.
***This is Red Ribbon Week - Choose to be Drug Free. We will be having special days all this week as to what we wear or do. Please be sure and read the social studies section to know what to do on each day!
Esta semana es llamada del liston rojo- Libre de drogas. Tendremos dias en los que vestiremos ciertos colores especiales.
***Congratulations to the students who got to attend the Glow Party today for PTA. Thank you to all the parents who joined PTA to help support our kids here at Galloway!
Felicitaciones a los estudiantes cuyos padres se suscribieron al PTA ya que asistiran a la Glow Party!!!!!!
Our learning this week:
Esta semana aprenderemos
ORTOGRAFIA: Focus: mp/mb, nf/nv patterns (2.23Avi)
enviar, cambiar, invitar, tampoco, confortable, también, confiar,envolver, invierno, comprar, enfrente
Focus: long o vowel patterns (CVCe and CVVC) o_e/oa (2.23Biii)
home, soap, those, globe, close, plot, broke, goal, stole, coat,
Writing: Students will be revising personal narratives for sentence fluency and word choice.
Escritura: Revisaremos narraciones personales para fluidez en las oraciones y seleccion de palabras.
Grammar: Adjectives (descriptive words)
Gramatica: Adjetivos(palabras que describen): bonito, horrible, inteligente, etc.
Reading: Continue our study of fiction text and its elements. Special focus on the element of characters and their traits and feelings.
Lectura: Continuaremos nuestro estudio dde textos de ficcion y sus elementos. Especial atencion a los personajes,sus caracteristicas y sentimientos.
Math: Finish up graphs and study time to the hour, half hour, and to the 5 minute intervals. Students should be able to tell time on a digital and analog clock and know how to match the 2, read and write time, and complete the hands on an analog clock if given a time.
Matematicas: Graficas de barras y pictograficas. Estudio del reloj: media hora, 5 minutos de intervalos,cuanto falta para, etc. Decir la hora en relojes digitales y analogos emparejarlos, leer y escribir la hora, completar las manecillas en relojes analogos para mostrar una hora dada.
Science: Continuation of air and weather investigation with comparing weather graphs, The Night Sky, and The Moon.
Ciencias: Continuamos nuestro estudio del aire y el clima. El cielo nocturno y la luna.
Social Studies: Red Ribbon Week - Choose to be Drug Free!!!
Estudios sociales: Semana del liston rojo- Elijo ser libre de drogas!!!!!!!
Monday: Wear jeans and a red shirt for "Drugs make me see Red so, be a "Genius" and don't do drugs!"
Lunes: jeans y camiseta roja
Tuesday: Wear CAMO for "Be all you can be...drug free!"
Martes: camuflaje
Wednesday: Wear Black for "Black out drugs!"
Miercoles:: Vestir color negro
Thursday: Wear your Favorite Cap for "Put a cap on drugs!"
Jueves: Usa tu gorra favorita
Friday: Wear your favorite TEAM ATTIRE for "Team up against drugs!"
Viernes: Usa la camiseta de tu equipo favorito
Thank you again for all your support,
your 2nd grade teachers
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Week 10 October 24-28
***Progress reports will be coming home this week. Please look these over, sign, and return to your child's teacher. Any zero's or grades lower than a 70 need to be in by Friday of this week in order to receive credit.
***If your child brings home any graded papers below a 70 they are allowed to redo them adn return them for a grade of 70, if returned in a timely manner.
***This is Red Ribbon Week - Choose to be Drug Free. We will be having special days all this week as to what we wear or do. Please be sure and read the social studies section to know what to do on each day!
***Congratulations to the students who got to attend the Glow Party today for PTA. Thank you to all the parents who joined PTA to help support our kids here at Galloway!
Our learning this week:
Spelling: Long a spelled ai/ay - Students should realize that when a word ends with the long a vowel sound it is usually spelled ay not ai.
grain tray waist today snail spray chain clay train stay sail may
Writing: Students will be revising personal narratives for sentence fluency and word choice.
Grammar: Adjectives (descriptive words)
Reading: Continue our study of fiction text and its elements. Special focus on the element of characters and their traits and feelings.
Math: Finish up graphs and study time to the hour, half hour, and to the 5 minute intervals. Students should be able to tell time on a digital and analog clock and know how to match the 2, read and write time, and complete the hands on an analog clock if given a time.
Science: Continuation of air and weather investigation with comparing weather graphs, The Night Sky, and The Moon.
Social Studies: Red Ribbon Week - Choose to be Drug Free!!!
Monday: Wear jeans and a Red shirt for "Drugs make me see Red so, be a "Genius" and don't do drugs!"
Tuesday: Wear CAMO for "Be all you can be...drug free!"
Wednesday: Wear Black for "Black out drugs!"
Thursday: Wear your Favorite Cap for "Put a cap on drugs!"
Friday: Wear your favorite TEAM ATTIRE for "Team up against drugs!"
Thank you again for all your support,
your 2nd grade teachers
Monday, October 17, 2011
Week 9 October 17-21
Monday, October 10, 2011
Week of Oct. 10-14
Tomorrow is the PTA program. 4th grade will be performing. Come be a part of our PTA at 7:00pm
This Friday there will be picture retakes for those students who were not here or want retakes.
Oct. 18 is a parent night in the cafeteria to help gain more discipline strategies for home and school.
This week in our learning:
Reading: We are continuing to look at and find the main idea (important) and details (interesting) of passages and texts.
Spelling: Words with inflected endings that do not change spelling
cracks finishes dusts fixes camps brushes calls wishes turns pushes asks passes works
Writing: We are working on editing and revising our reports from last week.
Grammar: Focus is still on verbs in the present, past, and future tense
Math: Place Value to the 100's place and Money. Students should be able to write a number to the 100's place, read a number correctly, tell a value of a single digit within a number, and use expanded notation. 364 - 300+60+4, the 3 have a value of 300.
Science: What causes seasons and Bubble in the wind
Social Studies: A study of our world. How to read and interpret maps and their key features, bodies of water, continents, etc.
Field trip money and t-shirt money is in. T-shirts are being ordered this week and field trip tickets have been ordered as well.
the second grade teachers
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Week 7 - Beginning of 2nd 6 weeks Oct. 4-7
**We have extended the field trip deadline to Oct. 7. You have until Friday to get your $8.00 in for field trip and $7.50 in for t-shirt. If there is a private issue please speak with your child's teacher.
**Oct. 11 at 7p.m. will be our first PTA meeting and 4th grade will be performing
**Oct. 14 will be picture retakes for anyone that was either not here when we took pictures or those that need to have them redone.
This week in our classrooms:
Reading: main Idea - establishing what is interesting vs. what is important in an expository piece. your child should be able to distinguish between the 2.
Spelling: hard and soft g and c
celery cabin giraffe gym circus catch golden games cement cost giant guy
Writing: Focus on prewriting and drafts of a mini report
Grammar: verbs in present, past, and future tense
Math: continuing patterns with paired number charts and extending them. Revisiting place value to the 100's place.
Science: Continue our weather graphing and begin to focus on the Night sky and comparing the seasons
Social Studies: Landforms and bodies of water including continents and oceans (mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes, streams, peninsula, islands, hills)
***Mrs. Wuest's class has begun a Pizza Hut reading program. Your child has the opportunity to earn free pizza by simply reading at home each night. October's goal is 380 minutes.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Week 6 Sept. 27-30
Letters went home last week about our field trip to the Dallas Children's Theater on Dec. 2. Please make sure you fill them out and return them with money by Oct. 4th. Field trip cost if $8 per person, that's $16 if you plan on attending with your student. Grade level t-shirt information also went home last week and the cost is $7.50 also due on the 4th. The frond will have Wild About 2nd Grade with some animals and the back will have your child's teacher's name on top with a large 02 for second grade.
Next Monday, Oct. 3, is our Fair so there will be no school!!!
This week in our learning:
Spelling: This is a review week. We will have 20 words that review the cvc (short vowel) pattern, cvce (long vowel) pattern, 1 syllable words with blends, digraphs ch sh wh and th, and degraphs ink ank and ng.
map his sunset bedbug guide whine cupcake bedtime plane slept
present brake chicken whale which check length belong blanket blinked
Writing: This week students will construct teaching books on topics a topic of choice.
Grammar: Students are responsible for what we've studied this 6 weeks - beginning capital letters, ending punctuation, declarative and interrogative sentences, nouns, proper nouns, singular and plural nouns, complete sentences, and subject/verb agreement.
Reading: We are continuing to monitor comprehension by asking questions. These questions are student generated and text based.
Math: Working with patterns and paired number charts. Students should be able to state the pattern in the chart.
EX: there is 1 cat with 4 legs. How many legs are there on 4 cats?
cats legs
1 4
2 8 pattern is counting by 4's or adding 4 each time
3 12
4 16
Science: We are continuing our study on weather with watching the clouds and measuring rain. Your child will learn the difference in cumulus, stratus, and cirrus clouds and be able to identify them.
Social Studies: We will be working on mapping our communities and our map skills. Your students will learn how to use the compass rose, map key, and map symbols to read maps.
We have enjoyed working with your students this 6 weeks and look forward to the remainder of this year!
second grade teachers
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
PTA, t-shirts,and field trips
Field Trip letters went home today!!! We are asking that your money be in by Oct. 1if at all possible. We are excited to be going to the Dallas Children's Theater and seeing Mufarro's Beautiful Daughters. This play is a cultural version of the cinderella tale most children know and is based on John Steptoe's book by the same title. Field trip cost is $8. There are 16 spots available for parents and they will be given on a first come first serve basis. If interested in going with us, please get you money and background check in as soon as possible to reserve your spot.
T-shirt letters also come home today in the packet for field trip. Our theme this year is Wild About 2nd Grade at Galloway. The teachers are going to get polos with this pic on it
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
SEGUNDO GRADO!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is the 5th week of school! One more week to go and your child has successfully completed their 1st 6 weeks in the second grade!!! Esta es la 5a. semana!! Una semana mas y su hijo/a habra completado el primer periodo de seis semanas en Segundo grado!!!!!
Here is an overview of our week: Aqui le presentamos una vista general de nuestra semana de trabajo:
Reading: We are working on questioning and finding the answers in expository or non-fiction text. Your child should be able to generate their own questions before, during, and after reading and be able to use the text and text features to answer these questions.
Lectura: Estamos trabajando en preguntas y encontrar las respuestas en textos expositorios o de no-ficcion. Estudiantes deberan se capaces de generar sus propias preguntas antes, durante y despues de leer asi como ser capaz de usar el texto asi como las caracteristicas del mismo para contestar estas preguntas.
Writing: We are making question/answer books and writing mini informational reports. Escritura: Estaremos trabajando en libritos de pregunta/respuesta y escritura de mini-reportes informacionales.
Spelling:ORTOGRAFIA: Espanol =g Ingles=bl, cl, fl, tr, br, fr
Math: we are still working with subtraction and relating it to addition. Later in the week we will begin to learn about patterns.
Matematicas: Restas-sumas y patrones
Science: We begin our study on weatherKeep your eye out for pictures of our latest experiments on air resistance with parachutes here on the blog coming soon.
Ciencias: Empezaremos nuestro estudio del clima/tiempo.
Social Studies: We are studying different types of communities: urban, suburban, and rural.Estudios Sociales:Estudiaremos diferentes tipos de comunidades: urbana, suburbia, y rural.
Keep your eye out for PTA envelopes to join, field trip information, and class t-shirt information coming soon to a home near you!!!
Pronto recibira informacion acerca de nuestra proxima excursion, camisetas, y sobres para PTA, este pendiente!!!!!!!
Sincerely, 2nd grade teachers
Atentamente: las maestras de Segundo grado.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Week 5 Sept. 19-23
Here is an overview of our week:
Reading: We are working on questioning and finding the answers in expository or non-fiction text. Your child should be able to generate their own questions before, during, and after reading and be able to use the text and text features to answer these questions.
Writing: We are making question/answer books and writing mini informational reports
Spelling: Digraphs -ink,-ank,-unk,and ng
chunky blinked shrink chipmunk blanket drank song belong sung length clang wink
Math: we are still working with subtraction and relating it to addition. Later in the week we will begin to learn about patterns.
Science: We begin our study on weather
Keep your eye out for pictures of our latest experiments on air resistance with parachutes here on the blog coming soon.
Social Studies: We are studying different types of communities: urban, suburban, and rural
Keep your eye out for PTA envelopes to join, field trip information, and class t-shirt information coming soon to a home near you!!!
Sincerely, 2nd grade teachers
Monday, September 12, 2011
Week 4 Sept. 12-16
Spelling: words with digraphs at the beginning and end (ch, sh, wh, and th)
Third Path This Chicken March Each Shirt Brush Wish Which Whale While
**Homework is expected to be completed in spelling journals
Grammar: Proper Nouns - the names of people, places, and things should be capitalized
Reading: Noticing text features of expository (non-fiction) text and their importance
(photographs, captions, labels, diagrams, illustrations, bold words, italicized words, titles)(
Math: Comparing and ordering numbers to 999 with greater than >, less than <, and equal to =.
Also we begin subtraction by taking apart and counting back
Science: Unit on Air continues with pushing on Air, Air and water fountains, and balloon rockets
Social Studies: Celebrate Freedom Week
Remember that you can always get to our blog by going to the galloway website, clicking on staff, and clicking on second grade.
Leave any comments or questions and we will address them promptly.
Second grade teachers
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Por favor asegurense de regresar todos los formatos y papeles que recibieron la primera semana, tales como: carta de asistencia, la tarjeta rosa para la enfermeria, la ultima pagina del codigo de conducta, la forma para la transportacion/autobus, el formato para el almuerzo gratis/precio reducido (si aplican), etc.
Algunos de los temas a estudiar esta semana seran:
Lectura: monitorear comprension. Necesitamos que los estudiantes comprendan lo que leen y cuando algo no tenga sentido lo vuelvan a leer. Mantener actualizado su registro de lectura.
Ortografia: No olviden hacer una actividad cada dia y entregarlas todas el viernes.
Matematicas: Empezaremos a trabajar con valor posicional (unidad, decena, centena) y bloques de base 10. Escribir numeros de diferentes maneras: palabras, digitos, etc.
Ciencias: continuamos nuestra unidad acerca del aire.
Estudios sociales: Estudio de las diferentes comunidades y caracteristicas de los buenos ciudadanos.
Como siempre, si tiene alguna pregunta no duden en contactarme.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Week 3 Sept. 6-10
Friday, August 26, 2011
Week 2 Aug. 29-Sept. 2
We are still missing several papers that came home last week that needed to be signed. Please do a double check to make sure you signed and returned items such as the code of conduct, the nurse's pink form, the attendance letter, science contract, and the free and reduced lunch form if this applied to you.
We have one item of business that we need your help with: If you pick your child up at school, please wait at the bottom of the stairs for your child's name to be called. It crowds the porch to have everybody up on the porch and ends up taking more time to get your student to you.
Thursday, Sept. 1, is Meet the Teacher Night at Galloway. We would love to see everyone there! Second grade will meet in their own individual rooms and will NOT be having sessions. It will be a meet and greet come and go experience.
Monday, Sept. 5, is our Labor Day holiday and that means there will be NO School for teachers or students. Enjoy your break with family and friends.
Here is an overview of what we will be learning this week.
Math: Addition facts and fact families (doubles, neighbors, counting on, making a 10)
Spelling: CVCe long vowel words Here is our list for this week:
Flame spine whine guide price tube plate slice slide late bedtime cupcake
**Remember that your child will have homework every night for spelling and also to read for 15 minutes each night.
Writing/Grammar: We will be working on revising our autobiographies for capitals at the beginning of sentences, punctuation at the end of sentences, and deciding between interrogative sentences (asking) and declarative sentences (telling).
Reading: Activating prior knowledge when reading a story. We call this our schema.
Science: safety practices, tools for science, and beginning a study on air
Social Studies: Being a good citizen What characteristics make a good citizen?
Thank you again for all your support and help with getting this year off to such a great start!
Second grade teachers!!!