Tomorrow Night is our Health Fair. Please make plans to attend from 6-7p.m. and get lots of healthy snacks, free books, and information.
This Friday is our field trip to the theatre to see Mufarro's Beautiful Daughters. Parents who are attending plan to meet us in the front hall at 8:45 so we can load up on the buses.
This is the 3rd week in the 3rd 6 weeks. Progress Reports should be coming home either at the end of this week or beginning of next. Please keep a lookout for those and sign and return promptly.
Christmas Parties will be December 20 if you want to make arrangements to attend. Please be watching for information concerning the party.
We will be exchanging chapter books, not coloring books or small children's books, so please make arrangements to have one if you will be participating in Mrs. Wuest's class. Each student just needs one wrapped book.
Our learning this week:
Reading: We are studying media literacy. It can be broken down into 3 categories: media we listen to, media we view, and media we read. Students are to think about what type it is, who the message is from, who the intended audience is, what is the purpose of the media, and what things draw your attention.
Spelling: Inflectional endings that require doubling of the consonant before adding ing, ed, or er
planning bigger tipped dropping shopper trapped
stepped grinning slipping chopped swimmer hopper
Writing: We are editing and finalizing our procedural/sequential How-to's
Grammar: Adverbs, time words first, then, next, later, tomorrow, etc.
Math: Two-digit subtraction with regrouping
Science: uses of plants, minerals, and air; living and nonliving; and begin our study of insects with mealworms
Social Studies: How did the United States become its own country?
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