Monday, March 5, 2012

Week 25 March 5-9

It's College Week in MISD!!!
Monday - Receive your Gear Up for College Bracelet
Tuesday - Galloway kid are college bound - Wear your Galloway class shirt
Wednesday - Hats off to your futrue fill our heads with knowledge - wear favorite college hat
Thursday - Be all that you can be - wear camouflage OR dress as the career you want to be
Friday - Galloway kids are college bound - Wear a college shirt and jeans OR the colors of your favorite college if you don't have a shirt

This is the 3rd week in the 5th 6 weeks so that means that progress reports will be coming home when we return from Spring Break.

**PTA (3rd) Tuesday, March 6 at 7:00p.m. in the cafeteria.

**Spring Pictures March 8 - no money required until they come in and you decide then if you want them.

**Spring Break next week!!!

Our learning this week:

Spelling: Drop e when adding -ing
fake faking place placing hide hiding shine shining slice slicing date dating

Reading: Inferencing with Cause and Effect in expository text

Math: Time, Addition and Subtraction with base 10 blocks

Grammar: Prepositions and Prepositional phrases

Writing: Write response to Expository text

Social Studies: Needs vs. Wants

Science: Balance and Motion study with Trick crayfish and triangle and arch


  1. Samuel Martinez: Yo aprendi de los tsunamis, que es una hola o serie de olas que es provocada por un terremoto en el oceano.

  2. Genesis Ramirez: Yo aprendi que las avalanchas pueden destruir muchos hogares tambiƩn puede matar a personas. La avalancha es un deslisamiento de nieve devido ala acomulacion de nieve.
