Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sixth Week

Hello Families!

We need to get the order forms for grade level t-shirts in ASAP.  The forms have been sent home (Mrs. Cooper's will be sent tomorrow!) so you can tell us what size to order for your child.  Please don't let your child miss out on the t-shirts!  We will wear them on the field trip, play day and other special days.  If you haven't sent in your money you can send it in with the order form.

Parent/Teacher conferences will be held November 5 - 7.  You will be hearing more from your teacher.


MATH:  Paired Numbers, patterns in numbers, CBA (testing)
READING:   Monitor Comprehension; Search for information
ENGLISH:  antonyms, nouns, syllables
SCIENCE:  weather
SOCIAL STUDIES:  Communities

College Facts:

There are 60 women colleges in the United States in 24 states.  The state with the most women’s colleges is Massachusetts with 8.  Pennsylvania comes in second with 7.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week 5

Hope you enjoyed another long weekend!  The teachers were busy at meetings preparing to better teach your children.  We're looking forward to using our new knowledge.

Special Note:  Popcorn will be sold for $.25 on Friday.  The students should bring their quarter in early so teachers may place their "order."

Remember, breakfast is 7:15- 7:45!  If you want to eat, don't be late!

Studies for the Week:

Reading:  Monitoring Comprehension; Asking Questions 
Writing:  Writing information text
Spelling:  Hard and soft g and c
       This weeks words:
cabin, came, cash, circle, cent, circus, giraffe, giant, gym, golden, glue, guy
Math:  Patterns, patterns and more patterns!
Science:  Weather and Air
Social Studies: Types of Communities

College tid bit for the week:

The first college established for African-American students was the Ashmun Institute on April 29, 1854.  It was named after Jehudi Ashmun (1794-1826), an American minister who helped establish Liberia.  In 1866, Ashmun Institute was renamed Lincoln University.

Oberlin college was the first college to grant degrees to women in 1841.  It was also the first college to grant a bachelor degree to an African-American woman in 1862.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Week Number Four!

Last week we practiced place value but also had a little fun building!

School and Second Grade Information:

Breakfast begins at 7:15 and closes promptly at 7:45.  Anyone who comes at or after that time will not be able to eat breakfast.

Fridays are designated college days.   Your child may wear a college t-shirt or colors on that day.  We want to encourage them to go to college even in the Second Grade!

College Tidbit of the Week:  In the United States, there is little difference between the terms “college” and “university”.  However, the term “college” in other countries, such as Canada, refers to a junior college or trade college, whereas a “university” is larger, more research focused, and usually contains multiple colleges.

We will be ordering the t-shirts as soon as the printer gets back to us.  There will be an order form sent home so you can see what the shirts will look like and choose the size for your child.  You will be able to order a shirt for yourself if you'd like.  If you haven't already please send in the shirt money.  

What We Are Learning This Week:

Reading:  Monitoring comprehension
English:  Nouns and proper nouns; Writing
Math:  Subtraction Strategies; Problem-solving
Spelling:  2 syllabe CVCe words with blends and digraphs
Science:  Air
Social Studies:  Freedom Week

Monday, September 10, 2012

This year our school is emphasizing going to college by designation every Friday as "wear your college shirt or college colors" day.  We also are learning various facts about the colleges some of our teachers have attended.

Canisius College, located in Buffalo, NY, has a mascot called the Golden Gryff.  Their mascot is like the Gryffindor in the Harry Potter series.

The University of Texas at Austin was founded in 1883.  It currently has an enrollment of 51,245 students.  Can you name a Galloway teacher that graduated from UT?

Wow, that's a lot of students!

Parents, remember that the tardy bell rings at 7:55.  Please have your child here on time!

Individual school pictures will be this Thursday.  Be sure your child is wearing dress code appropriate clothes.

What we are learning:

Comprehension:  Monitoring comprehension; re-read when something doesn't make sense.
Spelling and Phonics:  CVCe words; words that end with an e usually have a long vowel sound. Example:  cake
Math:  Ordering and comparing numbers to 99
Science:  Air
Social Studies: Communities

Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome to a new week of learning!  

Language Arts:  
     Word Wall Words:  when, were, old
     Comprehension:  Activating Background Knowledge
     Phonics:  CVC (consonant/vowel/consonant) words with
                     blends and digraphs
     Spelling:  CVC words with blends and consonants
                      Words:  dishpan, cabin, hotdog, helmet, punish
                                    finish, robin, habit, contest, public, napkin,

Math:  Addition strategies:  doubles, near doubles (neighbors), 
                      counting on,  making tens and big and bigger

Science:  Air

Social Studies: Being a good citizen; Identifying historical figures

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Welcome back to school!  The new year has started off with a bang!  We are practicing our routines so classrooms will run smoothly this year.  Phonics will be a huge focus this year in the second grade.  The students have already been reviewing short vowels and blends. We will have our first spelling test on Friday!  Be sure your child turns in their spelling homework tomorrow as well.  We are also writing our autobiographies and practicing comprehension strategies.

In Math we have been reviewing single digit addition using the strategy "part-part whole."  We are using correct vocabulary such as addends and sums.  In Science and Social Studies we are learning about rules and safety.

We are excited with the wonderful group of boys and girls we have in the second grade.  Thank you for sharing your precious children with us!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

School's Out For Summer!!!

It has been a year of growing up together, learning, and fun for your students and us.  Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to work with your students.  Today we said good bye to the kids and look forward to summer.
Remember that on August 23 there will be a Meet the Teacher and drop off school supplies night so this can be done before school begins.
Enjoy your summer!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

PlayDay 2012

Playday 2012 began like the opening ceremony to the Olympics with the students coming out to the tune of Chariots of Fire.  Second grade carried out the banner with the Olympic Rings
Then it was on to the races.  The kids went through many activities and there were lots of winners.
Some races were just the girls
And some were just the boys
But overall, it was a great day for the classes to pull together and really feel like a team.
Even a time for friends to enjoy good sportsmanship among teams
I want to take this time to thank the parents who had the opportunity to come out and celebrate with the students.  I know it brightened their day to see you there!

Now time to get ready for our end of the year party and sending this second grade class on to 3rd grade:)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Week 35 May 21-25

Class party pizza money and item sheet is due to teachers by Wednesday, May 23.

Reading CBA on Wednesday, May 23

Math CBA on Thursday, May 24

Play Day on Friday, May 25.  Make sure students wear sunscreen, class t-shirts, tennis shoes, and appropriate shorts or pants.

There will be a concession stand at playday.  Items range from .25 to 1.00.  Money will go toward PTA.

Since we have play day in the morning, then lunch, the afternoon will be a GAME DAY, so please bring board games or card games you would like to share with your friends.

Monday, May 28 there will be NO SCHOOL because it is Memorial Day!

Our learning this week:

Reading:  Poetry and review for CBA on Wednesday

Grammar:  Verb Review

Writing:  Poetry

Math:  Finish up place value review and review for CBA on Thursday

Science:  Magnets and how they are used in everyday life

Social Studies:  Patriotic places, symbols, and holidays

Monday, May 14, 2012

Week 34 May 14-18

We sincerely hope everyone had a fabulous Mother's Day!

End of the Year Luau letters will be coming home shortly, please keep an eye out for those, sign up for items, and return to your teacher as soon as possible.  Items will be on a first come basis.

ALL library books (school, teacher, and guided reading) need to be brought back to school by Thursday, May 17.

Playday is May 25th.  Please make plans to attend now.

Our learning this week:

Reading:  Poetry

Writitng:  Poetry

Grammar:  Apostrophes

Math:  Rounding and Place Value to the thousands place

Science:  Changes in Heat Energy

Social Studies:  Patriotic places, symbols, and holidays

Friday, May 11, 2012

Children's Book Week!!!

We had so much fun wrapping up Children's Book Week by dressing as our favorite Book Characters!

Nate from Big Nate Boredom Buster

Judy from Judy Moody

 Edward and Jacob from Twilight

Tiger from Ten Apples Up On Top

 Nancy from Fancy Nancy

Bubba the Cowboy Prince

 Sally from The Cat in The Hat

 L'il Dobber from It's All in the Name

 Tricia from My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother

 Eugene from Mr. Lincoln's Way

 Cinderella from Cinderella

 Greg from Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Belle from Belle and the Castle Puppy

Emily, Ashley, Kaitlyn, Claire from Shoe-La-La

Monday, May 7, 2012

Week 33 May 7-11

This is Children's book week!  Each day there will be something special to do or wear at Galloway!

Monday:  The wonderful wizard of oz - There's no place like the library!  Wear jeans - science is  
Tuesday:  Chalk it up to a good book!  students can bring in their own side walk chalk to make a class
                   mural of a favorite book.  winning class will get snocone party
Wednesday:  Reading's got my heartbeat running away!  students wear workout clothes
Thursday:  The strange case of origami yoda - May the force READ with You - origami fun
Friday:  Do-nut forget to read - Dress as your favorite BOOK CHARACTER (bring book if you have it)
                    Best Book Character Contest      Prizes will be awarded

PTA Tuesday night at 7 in the cafeteria

Thursday will be an early release day so please make arrangements for your student to be picked up by 1:25

Our learning this week:

Reading:  Poetry

Writing:  writing poetry

Grammar:  Quotations in speaking words review

Spelling:  AW/AUAUGH
strawberry autum  naughty  lawyer  because  taught awful  applesauce  daughter  seesaw audience caught

Math:  Money review and begin rounding

Science:  Classifying matter

Social Studies:  Patriotic places, symbols, and holidays

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Literacy Media Research on Natural Disasters:)

Our 2nd graders have been working hard the last 4 weeks researching natural disasters using books, the internet, interviews, news channels, etc.  They have developed questions, researched them well, and finally put together presentations to show their findings.  We hope you enjoy the hard work of our students.

Avalanche Group

Volcano Group

Tornado Group

Hurricane Group
(video found on National Geographic webpage)

Earthquake Group

                                                             Tsunami Group

Monday, April 30, 2012

week 32 April 30-May 4

This is the 4th week of the 6th 6 weeks and progress reports should be coming home. Please keep an eye out for them and sign and return them as soon as possible.

We will kickoff our Major Saver fundraiser tomorrow, May 1, 2012 so get out there and sell those discount cards:)

Our learning this week:

Spelling: IR/ER/UR review
squirm nerd purple squirrel hershey curve girlfriend perfect turf adverb thirty curtain

Grammar: Review capitalization rules for beginning of sentence, proper nouns, and abbreviations

Writing: Research and Media Literacy (final presentations)

Reading: Research media literacy

Math: Problem solving, Decide what to do, and time review

Science: Balance and Motion assessment and Classifying Matter

Social Studies: Solving Problems in the community

Friday, April 27, 2012

week 31 - better late than never

I am so sorry that this post is late. STAAR testing was this week for grades 3-6 and several of our teachers in lower grades (2nd grade teachers included) were testing small groups of students.

This week our learning was:

Reading: Reading for enjoyment

Writing: Writing up the items needed for research presentations on natural disasters next week

Grammar: review of subject/verb agreement

Math: Problem solving/division

Science: rolling wheels/making a roller coaster

Social studies: government and voting

Spelling: ow/ou words
ouch pouch tower crowd frown towel cloud crown sound house coward counter

I again apologize for the lateness of the posting this week.

**Progress reports should come home sometime next week so be on the lookout for those. Also be sure and check your parent portal often as we are entering grades early this time around so we don't feel the crunch of the last couple of weeks.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Week 30 April 16-20

Spring pictures are still needed from a few parents. Please make sure you either send payment or picture packets back to the teacher. Today was the last day and there are still some outstanding.

Our learning this week:

Reading: Continue our research on natural disasters

Spelling: Beginning silent letters wr/kn
wreath knuckle wrinkle kneel wrist knead wrap known wreck knot wrote knack

Grammar: Adverbs of time - before, next, etc.

Writing: Students continue to independently research natural disaster topic

Math: Division

Science: How things move through rolling wheels, tops, and rolling cups

Social Studies: What is the government's role in your community?

Play Day is coming in May on the 25th. Please make arrangements now to attend if you like.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Week 29 - Beginning of the End - April 9-13

Today marks the beginning of the last grading period we get to share as your child's second grade teachers. There are 8 weeks in this grading period and then your sons and daughters will be moving up with the knowledge and skills they have acquired.

*Kindergarten registration begins on Wednesday, April 11, from 5:30-7p.m.

*Report cards come home on Thursday, April 12. Please make sure you view, sign, and return the report cards.

*PTA Food Drive is going on this week from April 9 - April 20. Please bring in those non-perishable items to help those in need.

*Spring Pictures came home last week, if you have not returned them you need to please get either the money and unwanted pics, or the whole packet back to us as they have not been purchased yet. Thank you to those that have gotten them in already.

Our learning this week:

Reading: Expository text with focus on research - researching natural disasters

Spelling: au/aw/augh vowel sounds
shawl sauce taught haunt lawn cause caught yawn thaw haul fault claw

Grammar: Review of time order transition words

Writing: Research carried over from reading

Math: Multiplication and Division

Science: How things move with Zoomers, Twirlers, and Twirly Birds

Social Studies: Our Country's Government

Thank you for all your support and hard work this year. We are looking forward to ending the year on a positive note for us and your students!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Week 28 April 2-5

This is the last week in the 6th 6 weeks!

Any make-up, re-do work, or late work MUST be turned in by Tuesday, April 3, 2012.

Math CBA test on Tuesday, April 3 AND Reading CBA on Wednesday, April 4.

Friday, April 6 is a holiday and that means NO SCHOOL!!!

***Spring Pictures came home today. They have not been paid for yet. You have 3 options:
1. Purchase the entire package for $45.oo
2. Purchase any 1 sheet for $12, 2 sheets for $22, 3 sheets for $32, or 4 sheets for $43
3. Spend no money and return ENTIRE package back to teacher
Please select one of the above and return either pictures or money to teacher by Thursday, April 6

Our learning this week:

Reading: Author's Purpose either implied or stated with fiction text

Spelling: R-Controlled vowels -ir, -er, -ur
churn squirt herd purple first perch surf shirt person germ purse girl

Grammar: Review of all grammar: apostrophes in contraction, apostrophes in possessives, prepositions/prepositional phrases, complete sentences with subject/verb agreement

Writing: Response to fiction writing: What is your favorite or least favorite part of the book and why? Why do you think the author wrote this? Do you like or dislike the book and why? Who is your favorite or least character and why? Whey did the character...? I think...because... Would you act like or not act like the character and why? Does any part of the story remind you of another book, yourself, the world and how?

Math: Review for CBA test

Science: Motion of objects: Twirlers and Twirley Birds

Social Studies: In with the New Technology


Monday, March 26, 2012

Week 27 March 26-30

This is the 5th week in the 5th 6 weeks. That means we have only 9 weeks of school remaining in our second grade year!

Let us remind ourselves and our students that 4th grade will be taking the Writing STAAR, and 5th grade will be taking Reading and Math STAAR over the next 2 days, Tuesday and Wednesday

Friday, April 6, will be a holiday so NO SCHOOL!

Play Day is sneaking up on us.It will be May 25, so mark your calendars now if you plan to attend.

This week in our learning:

Reading: Drawing conclusions, Plot, and Theme of fiction text

Spelling: R-controlled Vowels -ar -or
marker corner army north shark torn sharp short yard thorn harm store

Grammar: complete sentences with subject/verb agreement

Writing: response to the setting of a story ex: Was the setting important to the story? Why or Why not? OR Do you like the setting? Why or Why Not?

Math: Review graphing, comparing 100's, and measurement

Science: Balance and Motion through The Pencil Trick, Mobiles, and Tops

Social Studies: From the Soil to the Shelf

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Week 26 March 19-23

Sorry about not having our blog updated yesterday. We had a power outage at school and I couldn't get it done.

Our learning this week:

Reading: Review story elements and inferencing with fiction text

Spelling: double medial consonants.
summer pepper buzzer common spinner rabbit hammer glimmer dinner simmer filler dollar

Grammar: Review complete sentences with subject/verb agreement

Math: Review double digit subtraction and whether to use addition or subtraction

Science: Balance and Motion

Social Studies: producers and consumers

Monday, March 5, 2012

Week 25 March 5-9

It's College Week in MISD!!!
Monday - Receive your Gear Up for College Bracelet
Tuesday - Galloway kid are college bound - Wear your Galloway class shirt
Wednesday - Hats off to your futrue fill our heads with knowledge - wear favorite college hat
Thursday - Be all that you can be - wear camouflage OR dress as the career you want to be
Friday - Galloway kids are college bound - Wear a college shirt and jeans OR the colors of your favorite college if you don't have a shirt

This is the 3rd week in the 5th 6 weeks so that means that progress reports will be coming home when we return from Spring Break.

**PTA (3rd) Tuesday, March 6 at 7:00p.m. in the cafeteria.

**Spring Pictures March 8 - no money required until they come in and you decide then if you want them.

**Spring Break next week!!!

Our learning this week:

Spelling: Drop e when adding -ing
fake faking place placing hide hiding shine shining slice slicing date dating

Reading: Inferencing with Cause and Effect in expository text

Math: Time, Addition and Subtraction with base 10 blocks

Grammar: Prepositions and Prepositional phrases

Writing: Write response to Expository text

Social Studies: Needs vs. Wants

Science: Balance and Motion study with Trick crayfish and triangle and arch

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 24 Feb. 27-March 2

**Living Museum will be presented on Tuesday, Feb. 28 in the library. 2nd grade will present at

**Famous African American inventor projects will also be due tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 28.

**PTA 3rd grade performance will be Tuesday, March 6th at 7:00p.m.

Spring Pictures will be Thursday, March 8

**Only 9 more school days until Spring Break!!**

Our learning this week:

Reading: Facts and Details with expository text

Writing: Revise, edit, publish, and present research papers

Grammar: apostrophes in possessives

Spelling: oy/oi
moist oyster poison soybean point joyful spoil voyage join royal oil loyal

Math: More or Less than a Pound/Kilogram and measuring Temperature

Science: Different water habitats and Food Chains

Social Studies: Many Jobs

If you haven't returned your child's report card please do so as soon as possible.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The year is winding down quickly, but there is still learning to be done.

Este curso esta pasando muy rapidamente pero todavia hay mucho por aprender y hacer!

*Tutoring letters for next week are coming home this week on bright pink paper. Please sign and return even if your student can not come.

Las cartas de tutoria se enviaron el lunes en papel Rosado. Por favor firme y regrese la forma, inclusive si su estudiante No puede asistir. Tome nota ya que cada dia y semana cambia. Asimismo les suplico estar puntual en recoger a sus estudiantes ya sea a la salida o despues de tutoria. Martes 28 No Habra tutoria.

*Report Cards will be going home on Thursday. Please make a point to view, sign, and return promplty.

Calificaciones deben enviarse el proximo jueves, analice, firme y envie de regreso al dia siguiente.

*Wednesday will be an early release day. Please make sure your student has a way home at 1:25

Miercoles sera dia de salida temprana. Asegurese de hacer los arreglos necesarios para recoger a su estudiante a tiempo 1:25 en punto.

*Six Flags Read to Succeed 6 hours is due Friday, February 24th to earn your free 6 flags ticket.

El registro de lectura para Six Flags debe ser entregado el viernes 24 de febrero (unico dia) Asegurence de sumar y juntar 6 horas o 360 minutos.

*Living Museum is coming up on Tuesday, February 28th. Remember second grade has inventors.

Martes 28 de febrero sera el museo de inventores afroamericanos para Segundo grado A LAS 12:30 . Todos los alumnos deberan entregar un reporte/resumen escrito que incluya al menos: el nombre del inventor, fecha de nacimiento y muerte si aplica, su contribucion a nuestra sociedad, 3 hechos interesantes acerca de la vida del inventor. Participar en el museo es opcional pero tienen que mandarme una nota el proximo jueves informandome que si van a participar.

Our learning this week:

Reading: Review of Main Idea and Topic

Lectura: idea principal y tema


Ortografia: checar la lista, estudiar y hacer las t areas.

*Grammar: Apostrophes in contractions

Gramatica: contracciones y apostrofes

Writing: Research writing

Escritura de investigacion

Science: Plant Systems and ocean/land animal habitats

Ciencias: Plantas como sistemas y los habitats de los animales

Social Studies: African American contributions (inventors)

Estudios sociales: contribuciones de los afroamericanos/inventores

Todos los estudiantes tienen que hacer su reporte de un inventor afroamericano por escrito y entregarlo. Es opcional y recibira puntos/calificacion extra el que participe en el museo el dia 28 de febrero en la biblioteca a las 12:30

Math: Capacity (cups, gallons, liters, milliliters)

Matematicas: capacidad/tazas , galones, litros, mililitros, etc.

Los examenes de CBA se mandaron hoy a casa favor de revisarlos usando otra hoja, firmar de enterado y mandarlos de regreso.

Spring Break is only 14 school days away!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

5th 6 weeks!!!

The year is winding down quickly, but there is still learning to be done.

*Tutoring letters for next week are coming home this week on bright pink paper. Please sign and return even if your student can not come.

*Report Cards will be going home on Thursday. Please make a point to view, sign, and return promplty.

*Wednesday will be an early release day. Please make sure your student has a way home at 1:25

*Six Flags Read to Succeed 6 hours is due Friday, February 24th to earn your free 6 flags ticket.

*Living Museum is coming up on Tuesday, February 28th. Remember second grade has inventors.

Our learning this week:

Reading: Review of Main Idea and Topic

Spelling: Contractions
we've I'm there's you'll aren't isn't you've that's she'll won't they're we're

*Grammar: Apostrophes in contractions

Writing: Research writing

Science: Plant Systems and ocean/land animal habitats

Social Studies: African American contributions (inventors)

Math: Capacity (cups, gallons, liters, milliliters)

Spring Break is only 14 school days away!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 22 Feb. 13-17

*Tutoring begins this week on Mon., Tues,and Thurs. If your student stays for tutoring please make sure they have a way home at 4:00p.m. Students may bring a small healthy snack for tutoring.

*Tuesday is Valentines Day! Students may bring Valentines for an exchange. Please make sure there are enough for the entire class.
Wuest - 17 Thompson - 16 Cooper - 17 Friedman - 23

*Tuesday, Feb. 14, is also our PTA program. Students need to be in their classrooms, dressed in class shirts and blue jeans, by 6:45p.m. You will need to enter the side door on Candleberry.

*Reading and Math CBA's will be on Wednesday and Thursday

Our Learning This Week:

Spelling: Review Week
window float tow roast fishhook balloon notebook stew mighty donkey why sky carry carrier supply supplied faithful lovely rewind unable

Reading: Compare and Contrast myths, legends, fables, plays, and poetry

Writing: Continue poetry

Grammar: Review
articles a,an,the; adverbs that tell how; review complete sentences; commas in quotation marks; comparitive/superlative (er,est)

Math: Fraction (CBA on Thursday)

Science: Plant systems

Social Studies: African American Contributions

This is the last week of the 4th 6 weeks. Please make sure any re-do work is turned in to the teacher by Wed. at the latest.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Week 21 Feb. 6-10

Our second grade PTA program is coming up on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14th. Please make arrangements to come hear your beautiful children perform in the cafeteria at 7:00p.m. Children will need to be here no later than 6:45.

Tutoring will begin next week. Please look for the golden color permission slips coming home if your child has been invited and write the dates on a calendar. It will be from 3:15-4:00 on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Your child may or may not need every day. Please sign and return.

This week in our learning:

Reading: Poetry and its elements (rhyme, rhythm, repetition, and does it tell a story or a person's emotions)

Grammar: comparative/superlative adjectives (er and est)

Writing: writing short poems that convey sensory details

Spelling: prefixes and suffixes
repay unable faithful closely reuse unwrap bashful likely retry unkind joyful lovely

Math: measuring area with by counting the shaded or unshaded squares in a picture AND fractions

Scientce: Milkweed bugs: life cycle and meeting their needs

Social Studies: Great African Americans and their contributions to society

Monday, January 30, 2012

Week 20 Jan. 30-Feb. 2

***Progress reports will be going home this week. Please make sure you look over them with your students, sign, and return them to your child's teacher.

***PTA letters went home and need to be returned no later than tomorrow, Jan. 31, if your child is participating in the PTA program on Feb. 14th.

***Women Projects are due Feb. 6th

***This Friday is a staff development day meaning there is no school for the students

This week in learning:

Reading - Plays and the elements that make up a pay (stage direction, characters, plot, problem, solution, dialogue

Grammar - commas in quotation marks

Spelling - changing y to i

Math - measurement (both customary and metric systems)

Science - classifying organisms - vertebrae/invertebrae

Social Studies - African American contributions to society

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week 19 - Jan. 23-27

This marks the 3rd week of the 4th 6 weeks. You should receive mid 6 weeks progress reports someby the end of this week. Make sure to sign and return it to your child's teacher.

Class pictures will be this this Thursday the 26th. Make sure if you plan to purchase one that you send the envelope with money to school on or before Thursday.

This week in our learning:

Spelling: 2 sounds of y
chilly supply mighty why family shy donkey try fluffy sky silky firefly

Grammar: Review of complete sentences with correct subject/verb agreement

Reading: This weeks focus is myths and what makes it a myth.

Math: 3 dimensional shapes and the vocabulary (faces, base, edges, vertices, cylinder, sphere, pyrimids, prisms, cube, etc.)

Science: Continuing study of insects and their life cycles and habitats

Social Studies: Amazing women in our history

Writingg: Students are still going through the writing process while attempting various types of fiction genre.

Thank you for all you do,
the second grade teachers

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Week 18 - Jan. 17-20

Welcome back!

Class pictures are coming up on the 26th

This week in our learning we will be exploring:

Reading: Legends and the features of a legend

Spelling: oo as in book and moon, ew
shook cookie fishhook notebook carpool balloon smooth chew flew blew few stew

Writing: Student will be going through the writing cycle and explore writing legends or fables

Grammar: Adverbs that tell how such as quickly, quietly, smoothly, etc.

Math: 2-D and 3-D shapes

Science: the life cycle and habitats of silkworms, butterflies, milkweed bugs, and mealworms

Social Studies: Wise Women through the years

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2nd semester of 2nd grade!!! Jan. 5-6 AND Jan. 9-13

Welcome Back!!! We hope you all enjoyed your holiday break as much as we did. It is time to open those young minds and get back to learning!

Report cards went home today. Please sign and return them as soon as you can.

Also, if you have not returned your mealworms/beetles to school please do so with the vial they were in. If they passed away during the break please return your vial cleaned out. Thanks

Dates to remember:
Monday, Jan. 16, is a No School Day in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
We will be taking the mid year ISIP test in the computer lab towards the end of the month.
Thursday, Jan, 26, is Class Picture Day

This week in our learning:

Spelling: Long O words spelled oa or ow
show float blow coal coat soap roach roast tow grow know window

Grammar: Special adjectives called Articles: A, And, and The

Reading: Fables

Writing: Go through the writing cycle using various fiction genres: Fables

Math: A review of counting money up to a dollar

Science: Habitats of milkweed bugs and butterflies

Social Studies: Good citizenship at home and school and what it looks like