Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week 5

Hope you enjoyed another long weekend!  The teachers were busy at meetings preparing to better teach your children.  We're looking forward to using our new knowledge.

Special Note:  Popcorn will be sold for $.25 on Friday.  The students should bring their quarter in early so teachers may place their "order."

Remember, breakfast is 7:15- 7:45!  If you want to eat, don't be late!

Studies for the Week:

Reading:  Monitoring Comprehension; Asking Questions 
Writing:  Writing information text
Spelling:  Hard and soft g and c
       This weeks words:
cabin, came, cash, circle, cent, circus, giraffe, giant, gym, golden, glue, guy
Math:  Patterns, patterns and more patterns!
Science:  Weather and Air
Social Studies: Types of Communities

College tid bit for the week:

The first college established for African-American students was the Ashmun Institute on April 29, 1854.  It was named after Jehudi Ashmun (1794-1826), an American minister who helped establish Liberia.  In 1866, Ashmun Institute was renamed Lincoln University.

Oberlin college was the first college to grant degrees to women in 1841.  It was also the first college to grant a bachelor degree to an African-American woman in 1862.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Week Number Four!

Last week we practiced place value but also had a little fun building!

School and Second Grade Information:

Breakfast begins at 7:15 and closes promptly at 7:45.  Anyone who comes at or after that time will not be able to eat breakfast.

Fridays are designated college days.   Your child may wear a college t-shirt or colors on that day.  We want to encourage them to go to college even in the Second Grade!

College Tidbit of the Week:  In the United States, there is little difference between the terms “college” and “university”.  However, the term “college” in other countries, such as Canada, refers to a junior college or trade college, whereas a “university” is larger, more research focused, and usually contains multiple colleges.

We will be ordering the t-shirts as soon as the printer gets back to us.  There will be an order form sent home so you can see what the shirts will look like and choose the size for your child.  You will be able to order a shirt for yourself if you'd like.  If you haven't already please send in the shirt money.  

What We Are Learning This Week:

Reading:  Monitoring comprehension
English:  Nouns and proper nouns; Writing
Math:  Subtraction Strategies; Problem-solving
Spelling:  2 syllabe CVCe words with blends and digraphs
Science:  Air
Social Studies:  Freedom Week

Monday, September 10, 2012

This year our school is emphasizing going to college by designation every Friday as "wear your college shirt or college colors" day.  We also are learning various facts about the colleges some of our teachers have attended.

Canisius College, located in Buffalo, NY, has a mascot called the Golden Gryff.  Their mascot is like the Gryffindor in the Harry Potter series.

The University of Texas at Austin was founded in 1883.  It currently has an enrollment of 51,245 students.  Can you name a Galloway teacher that graduated from UT?

Wow, that's a lot of students!

Parents, remember that the tardy bell rings at 7:55.  Please have your child here on time!

Individual school pictures will be this Thursday.  Be sure your child is wearing dress code appropriate clothes.

What we are learning:

Comprehension:  Monitoring comprehension; re-read when something doesn't make sense.
Spelling and Phonics:  CVCe words; words that end with an e usually have a long vowel sound. Example:  cake
Math:  Ordering and comparing numbers to 99
Science:  Air
Social Studies: Communities

Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome to a new week of learning!  

Language Arts:  
     Word Wall Words:  when, were, old
     Comprehension:  Activating Background Knowledge
     Phonics:  CVC (consonant/vowel/consonant) words with
                     blends and digraphs
     Spelling:  CVC words with blends and consonants
                      Words:  dishpan, cabin, hotdog, helmet, punish
                                    finish, robin, habit, contest, public, napkin,

Math:  Addition strategies:  doubles, near doubles (neighbors), 
                      counting on,  making tens and big and bigger

Science:  Air

Social Studies: Being a good citizen; Identifying historical figures