Monday, April 30, 2012

week 32 April 30-May 4

This is the 4th week of the 6th 6 weeks and progress reports should be coming home. Please keep an eye out for them and sign and return them as soon as possible.

We will kickoff our Major Saver fundraiser tomorrow, May 1, 2012 so get out there and sell those discount cards:)

Our learning this week:

Spelling: IR/ER/UR review
squirm nerd purple squirrel hershey curve girlfriend perfect turf adverb thirty curtain

Grammar: Review capitalization rules for beginning of sentence, proper nouns, and abbreviations

Writing: Research and Media Literacy (final presentations)

Reading: Research media literacy

Math: Problem solving, Decide what to do, and time review

Science: Balance and Motion assessment and Classifying Matter

Social Studies: Solving Problems in the community

Friday, April 27, 2012

week 31 - better late than never

I am so sorry that this post is late. STAAR testing was this week for grades 3-6 and several of our teachers in lower grades (2nd grade teachers included) were testing small groups of students.

This week our learning was:

Reading: Reading for enjoyment

Writing: Writing up the items needed for research presentations on natural disasters next week

Grammar: review of subject/verb agreement

Math: Problem solving/division

Science: rolling wheels/making a roller coaster

Social studies: government and voting

Spelling: ow/ou words
ouch pouch tower crowd frown towel cloud crown sound house coward counter

I again apologize for the lateness of the posting this week.

**Progress reports should come home sometime next week so be on the lookout for those. Also be sure and check your parent portal often as we are entering grades early this time around so we don't feel the crunch of the last couple of weeks.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Week 30 April 16-20

Spring pictures are still needed from a few parents. Please make sure you either send payment or picture packets back to the teacher. Today was the last day and there are still some outstanding.

Our learning this week:

Reading: Continue our research on natural disasters

Spelling: Beginning silent letters wr/kn
wreath knuckle wrinkle kneel wrist knead wrap known wreck knot wrote knack

Grammar: Adverbs of time - before, next, etc.

Writing: Students continue to independently research natural disaster topic

Math: Division

Science: How things move through rolling wheels, tops, and rolling cups

Social Studies: What is the government's role in your community?

Play Day is coming in May on the 25th. Please make arrangements now to attend if you like.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Week 29 - Beginning of the End - April 9-13

Today marks the beginning of the last grading period we get to share as your child's second grade teachers. There are 8 weeks in this grading period and then your sons and daughters will be moving up with the knowledge and skills they have acquired.

*Kindergarten registration begins on Wednesday, April 11, from 5:30-7p.m.

*Report cards come home on Thursday, April 12. Please make sure you view, sign, and return the report cards.

*PTA Food Drive is going on this week from April 9 - April 20. Please bring in those non-perishable items to help those in need.

*Spring Pictures came home last week, if you have not returned them you need to please get either the money and unwanted pics, or the whole packet back to us as they have not been purchased yet. Thank you to those that have gotten them in already.

Our learning this week:

Reading: Expository text with focus on research - researching natural disasters

Spelling: au/aw/augh vowel sounds
shawl sauce taught haunt lawn cause caught yawn thaw haul fault claw

Grammar: Review of time order transition words

Writing: Research carried over from reading

Math: Multiplication and Division

Science: How things move with Zoomers, Twirlers, and Twirly Birds

Social Studies: Our Country's Government

Thank you for all your support and hard work this year. We are looking forward to ending the year on a positive note for us and your students!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Week 28 April 2-5

This is the last week in the 6th 6 weeks!

Any make-up, re-do work, or late work MUST be turned in by Tuesday, April 3, 2012.

Math CBA test on Tuesday, April 3 AND Reading CBA on Wednesday, April 4.

Friday, April 6 is a holiday and that means NO SCHOOL!!!

***Spring Pictures came home today. They have not been paid for yet. You have 3 options:
1. Purchase the entire package for $45.oo
2. Purchase any 1 sheet for $12, 2 sheets for $22, 3 sheets for $32, or 4 sheets for $43
3. Spend no money and return ENTIRE package back to teacher
Please select one of the above and return either pictures or money to teacher by Thursday, April 6

Our learning this week:

Reading: Author's Purpose either implied or stated with fiction text

Spelling: R-Controlled vowels -ir, -er, -ur
churn squirt herd purple first perch surf shirt person germ purse girl

Grammar: Review of all grammar: apostrophes in contraction, apostrophes in possessives, prepositions/prepositional phrases, complete sentences with subject/verb agreement

Writing: Response to fiction writing: What is your favorite or least favorite part of the book and why? Why do you think the author wrote this? Do you like or dislike the book and why? Who is your favorite or least character and why? Whey did the character...? I think...because... Would you act like or not act like the character and why? Does any part of the story remind you of another book, yourself, the world and how?

Math: Review for CBA test

Science: Motion of objects: Twirlers and Twirley Birds

Social Studies: In with the New Technology