Monday, February 27, 2012
Week 24 Feb. 27-March 2
**Famous African American inventor projects will also be due tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 28.
**PTA 3rd grade performance will be Tuesday, March 6th at 7:00p.m.
Spring Pictures will be Thursday, March 8
**Only 9 more school days until Spring Break!!**
Our learning this week:
Reading: Facts and Details with expository text
Writing: Revise, edit, publish, and present research papers
Grammar: apostrophes in possessives
Spelling: oy/oi
moist oyster poison soybean point joyful spoil voyage join royal oil loyal
Math: More or Less than a Pound/Kilogram and measuring Temperature
Science: Different water habitats and Food Chains
Social Studies: Many Jobs
If you haven't returned your child's report card please do so as soon as possible.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
The year is winding down quickly, but there is still learning to be done.
Este curso esta pasando muy rapidamente pero todavia hay mucho por aprender y hacer!
*Tutoring letters for next week are coming home this week on bright pink paper. Please sign and return even if your student can not come.
Las cartas de tutoria se enviaron el lunes en papel Rosado. Por favor firme y regrese la forma, inclusive si su estudiante No puede asistir. Tome nota ya que cada dia y semana cambia. Asimismo les suplico estar puntual en recoger a sus estudiantes ya sea a la salida o despues de tutoria. Martes 28 No Habra tutoria.
*Report Cards will be going home on Thursday. Please make a point to view, sign, and return promplty.
Calificaciones deben enviarse el proximo jueves, analice, firme y envie de regreso al dia siguiente.
*Wednesday will be an early release day. Please make sure your student has a way home at 1:25
Miercoles sera dia de salida temprana. Asegurese de hacer los arreglos necesarios para recoger a su estudiante a tiempo 1:25 en punto.
*Six Flags Read to Succeed 6 hours is due Friday, February 24th to earn your free 6 flags ticket.
El registro de lectura para Six Flags debe ser entregado el viernes 24 de febrero (unico dia) Asegurence de sumar y juntar 6 horas o 360 minutos.
*Living Museum is coming up on Tuesday, February 28th. Remember second grade has inventors.
Martes 28 de febrero sera el museo de inventores afroamericanos para Segundo grado A LAS 12:30 . Todos los alumnos deberan entregar un reporte/resumen escrito que incluya al menos: el nombre del inventor, fecha de nacimiento y muerte si aplica, su contribucion a nuestra sociedad, 3 hechos interesantes acerca de la vida del inventor. Participar en el museo es opcional pero tienen que mandarme una nota el proximo jueves informandome que si van a participar.
Our learning this week:
Reading: Review of Main Idea and Topic
Lectura: idea principal y tema
Ortografia: checar la lista, estudiar y hacer las t areas.
*Grammar: Apostrophes in contractions
Gramatica: contracciones y apostrofes
Writing: Research writing
Escritura de investigacion
Science: Plant Systems and ocean/land animal habitats
Ciencias: Plantas como sistemas y los habitats de los animales
Social Studies: African American contributions (inventors)
Estudios sociales: contribuciones de los afroamericanos/inventores
Todos los estudiantes tienen que hacer su reporte de un inventor afroamericano por escrito y entregarlo. Es opcional y recibira puntos/calificacion extra el que participe en el museo el dia 28 de febrero en la biblioteca a las 12:30
Math: Capacity (cups, gallons, liters, milliliters)
Matematicas: capacidad/tazas , galones, litros, mililitros, etc.
Los examenes de CBA se mandaron hoy a casa favor de revisarlos usando otra hoja, firmar de enterado y mandarlos de regreso.
Spring Break is only 14 school days away!!!
Monday, February 20, 2012
5th 6 weeks!!!
*Tutoring letters for next week are coming home this week on bright pink paper. Please sign and return even if your student can not come.
*Report Cards will be going home on Thursday. Please make a point to view, sign, and return promplty.
*Wednesday will be an early release day. Please make sure your student has a way home at 1:25
*Six Flags Read to Succeed 6 hours is due Friday, February 24th to earn your free 6 flags ticket.
*Living Museum is coming up on Tuesday, February 28th. Remember second grade has inventors.
Our learning this week:
Reading: Review of Main Idea and Topic
Spelling: Contractions
we've I'm there's you'll aren't isn't you've that's she'll won't they're we're
*Grammar: Apostrophes in contractions
Writing: Research writing
Science: Plant Systems and ocean/land animal habitats
Social Studies: African American contributions (inventors)
Math: Capacity (cups, gallons, liters, milliliters)
Spring Break is only 14 school days away!!!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Week 22 Feb. 13-17
*Tuesday is Valentines Day! Students may bring Valentines for an exchange. Please make sure there are enough for the entire class.
Wuest - 17 Thompson - 16 Cooper - 17 Friedman - 23
*Tuesday, Feb. 14, is also our PTA program. Students need to be in their classrooms, dressed in class shirts and blue jeans, by 6:45p.m. You will need to enter the side door on Candleberry.
*Reading and Math CBA's will be on Wednesday and Thursday
Our Learning This Week:
Spelling: Review Week
window float tow roast fishhook balloon notebook stew mighty donkey why sky carry carrier supply supplied faithful lovely rewind unable
Reading: Compare and Contrast myths, legends, fables, plays, and poetry
Writing: Continue poetry
Grammar: Review
articles a,an,the; adverbs that tell how; review complete sentences; commas in quotation marks; comparitive/superlative (er,est)
Math: Fraction (CBA on Thursday)
Science: Plant systems
Social Studies: African American Contributions
This is the last week of the 4th 6 weeks. Please make sure any re-do work is turned in to the teacher by Wed. at the latest.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Week 21 Feb. 6-10
Tutoring will begin next week. Please look for the golden color permission slips coming home if your child has been invited and write the dates on a calendar. It will be from 3:15-4:00 on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Your child may or may not need every day. Please sign and return.
This week in our learning:
Reading: Poetry and its elements (rhyme, rhythm, repetition, and does it tell a story or a person's emotions)
Grammar: comparative/superlative adjectives (er and est)
Writing: writing short poems that convey sensory details
Spelling: prefixes and suffixes
repay unable faithful closely reuse unwrap bashful likely retry unkind joyful lovely
Math: measuring area with by counting the shaded or unshaded squares in a picture AND fractions
Scientce: Milkweed bugs: life cycle and meeting their needs
Social Studies: Great African Americans and their contributions to society