We had an awesome first week with your second graders. We look forward to the remainder of the year with them and watching them grow.
We are still missing several papers that came home last week that needed to be signed. Please do a double check to make sure you signed and returned items such as the code of conduct, the nurse's pink form, the attendance letter, science contract, and the free and reduced lunch form if this applied to you.
We have one item of business that we need your help with: If you pick your child up at school, please wait at the bottom of the stairs for your child's name to be called. It crowds the porch to have everybody up on the porch and ends up taking more time to get your student to you.
Thursday, Sept. 1, is Meet the Teacher Night at Galloway. We would love to see everyone there! Second grade will meet in their own individual rooms and will NOT be having sessions. It will be a meet and greet come and go experience.
Monday, Sept. 5, is our Labor Day holiday and that means there will be NO School for teachers or students. Enjoy your break with family and friends.
Here is an overview of what we will be learning this week.
Math: Addition facts and fact families (doubles, neighbors, counting on, making a 10)
Spelling: CVCe long vowel words Here is our list for this week:
Flame spine whine guide price tube plate slice slide late bedtime cupcake
**Remember that your child will have homework every night for spelling and also to read for 15 minutes each night.
Writing/Grammar: We will be working on revising our autobiographies for capitals at the beginning of sentences, punctuation at the end of sentences, and deciding between interrogative sentences (asking) and declarative sentences (telling).
Reading: Activating prior knowledge when reading a story. We call this our schema.
Science: safety practices, tools for science, and beginning a study on air
Social Studies: Being a good citizen What characteristics make a good citizen?
Thank you again for all your support and help with getting this year off to such a great start!
Second grade teachers!!!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Una vez mas les mando un cordial saludo y bienvenida a nuestra clase de segundo grado.
Les recuerdo que el jueves primero de septiembre sera nuestra "open house" por lo cual los alumnos saldran temprano. Les pido atentamente estar a tiempo a la salida ya que tendremos nuestra junta a las 6:00 pm. en el salon numero 35. Asimismo les recuerdo que el lunes 5 de septiembre no habra clases/Labor Day.
La proxima semana continuaremos trabajando con estrategias para sumar y resolver problemas.
En lectura trabajaremos en el conocimiento previo para apoyar la comprension y continuaremos estableciendo las normas y rutinas para los diferentes tipos de lectura que efectuaremos.
En escritura los alumnos trabajaran en su autobiografia y la escritura correcta de oraciones, oraciones declarativas y preguntas.
En ciencias empezaremos a trabajar con diferentes herramientas y las reglas de seguridad al realizar nuestras investigaciones.
En estudios sociales estudiaremos las caracteristicas de los buenos ciudadanos.
Esto es solo un breve resumen de las muchas actividades y objetivos que estaremos estudiando.
Casi todos los viernes tendremos examenes de lectura y matematicas.
Espero contar con el apoyo de todos ustedes para lograr el exito de nuestros estudiantes. Juntos formamos un gran equipo!!!!!!!!
Con respeto: Mrs. Friedman
Bil. 2nd. grade.
Monday, August 22, 2011
La clase de Mrs. Friedman
Las maestras de segundo grado estamos probando esta nueva forma de comunicarnos con ustedes, nuestros estimados padres de familia, para estar en contacto y mantenerlos informados de las actividades en las cuales estaremos trabajando.
Esta semana estaremos enfocandonos en las rutinas de nuestro salon de clase, es decir como hacer ciertas actividades, aprender las reglas del salon, etc.
En matematicas nos enfocaremos en la resolucion de problemas que impliquen suma y resta. Favor de practicar el sumar y restar numeros mentalmente.
En escritura escribiremos autobiografias y nos enfocaremos en escritura de oraciones correctas.
En ciencias nos enfocaremos en lo que es un cientifico y la organizacion de las libretas de ciencias.
En estudios sociales el enfoque sera en las reglas y procedimientos.
Lectura en silencio y en voz alta con comprension, asi como los procedimientos para nuestro taller de lectura.
-Los alumnos deberan de estudiar su lista de ortografia (se les dara una nueva lista cada lunes, la cual deberan mantener dentro del folder rojo), hacer una actividad cada dia, engraparlas y entregarlas el viernes.
-Leer 20 minutos cada dia y registrarlo en su registro de lectura el cual pedire cada Jueves o Viernes .
-Tarea extra (Matematicas, estudios sociales, o ciencias) dependiendo de las necesidades.
Cada estudiante recibira un reporte de conducta semanal el cual debera ser firmado por los padres semanalmente.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Week 1 August 22-26
We are trying something new this year by creating a blog to help parents stay more informed about our classrooms. Our goal is to keep homework, spelling lists, weekly subject focus, etc. on the blog for parents to have readily available. So with that, let's begin.
This week we are focusing on routines in the classroom: how to do certain activities, learning the classroom, rules, etc.
Spelling focus is on CVC words. This week's list
bag got bit mud wet map top his run yes bedbug sunset
Writing focus is writing an autobiography and making sure that sentences have capital letters and correct ending punctuation.
Science focus is on what is a scientist and getting our notebooks ready for the year.
Social Studies focus is on rules and procedures in our classroom and community.
HOMEWORK: Your child will be expected to complete one different assignment from the list of 25 spelling activities to do each night. The assignments should be completed in their spelling journal and tuned in on Fridays. ALSO, we would like your child to complete at least 15 minutes of reading a night and respond on their reading log.
This week we are focusing on routines in the classroom: how to do certain activities, learning the classroom, rules, etc.
Spelling focus is on CVC words. This week's list
bag got bit mud wet map top his run yes bedbug sunset
Writing focus is writing an autobiography and making sure that sentences have capital letters and correct ending punctuation.
Science focus is on what is a scientist and getting our notebooks ready for the year.
Social Studies focus is on rules and procedures in our classroom and community.
HOMEWORK: Your child will be expected to complete one different assignment from the list of 25 spelling activities to do each night. The assignments should be completed in their spelling journal and tuned in on Fridays. ALSO, we would like your child to complete at least 15 minutes of reading a night and respond on their reading log.
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